
Thursday 29 November 2018

Rainbows End Reflection

                 Rainbows end Reflection
On Tuesday we walk to the class and after that we had to write our names on the board and after that  we had to walk down the stairs and we had to walk to the hall and after that we had to get into year 7 6 8 and after that we had to stand up and

 we had to wait for the parents to pick a group and also we had to get into groups of  5 and then we had to stand up and we had to follow our parents all the way to the bus and then after that we had to turn to our right and we had to go straight to the bus that is waiting for us and after that we had to hop inside the bus and after that we had to sing a song until we get to rainbows end and after that that we were waiting for the bus to take us their and.

 after that  we had to wait and after that we were their at the rainbows end and after we had to  hop of the bus and then we had to walk inside the rainbows end and after that we had to sit down  and the man came with risebands and.

 after that we had to wear it and keep it on and after that we get to go inside the rainbows end fair and after that we had to play in the roller coaster and it was so fun and then we had to play for about 5 or 20 hours and after that we had morning tea and after that we had to go and play and play and play until we had to go back to school and we did went home and after that we had to go to the bus and then we went home and it was so fun going to rainbows  end and i love it so much too.

Making Apple crumbles

making apple crumbles 

WALT: use Technology to make apple crumble

malo Lele and welcome to my blogger and what i am learning today is i am learning to cook apple crumbles and i have been learning about  is how to make it and how to do it so first i had to go to the other side  and all of the boys had to wash their hands and.

 they have to come up to class and they have to peel the apples and after that we have to go and wash our hands and then we came and we had to walk to the table where it has the food and stuff and then we had to put some music on and then  all of us had to do the cutting and making the food and putting it in the bowl and butting the food in the bowl and.

 then after that the person who is microwave the  food is doing it  and after that i had to do the little spices and after that i had to cut the butter and then i had to put it in the bowl and after that i had to take the rubbish out to the bin and after that i had to put the tables and the coughs back and then the food was going to the oven and after that i had to wait for it and i was blogging about it and after that it was so yum and i liked it too.

Monday 26 November 2018

Inquiry learning about Technological World

                    Inquiry Learning about Technological World
  Today we came to class after morning tea and then we were walking up the stairs and then we had to turn  to our left and then we had to walk down the hill next  to the windows and then we have to turn and then we have to enter inside the door where it is open and.

 then i saw the exit and then i walked through it and then i had to get my netbook from my locker and then we had to go to a table and we had to sit down with the chair and the tables and we had to go on kia manawanui  site  and we had to go on reading and .

then i had to press independent task  and when we press it the site with the reading  task will come  up with a square shape and then i had to click on the  square and it will make it go closer and  closer and then i had to press on Kami and it will take me  on the site and then the screen went to drive and then i had to look for design for good and.

 then i press it and then i load and then i had to wait for it to come back after that i had to write what is a designer and then i have to highlight words that is are very interesting to me and then i had to read the questions that  says in the text and after that i had  to write something in the yellow box and after that i had to move on to the next one and then i had to read the next questions too and after that i had to finish off with what got and then i was finish too.

Maths Reflection

                         Maths Reflection 
Yesterday we we had to get our maths book and a pencil and our netbooks and we had to go on mail and then we had to check the mail if we have the maths stuff and then we had to do our work quality  and then we had to solve the  Maths problem and then we  had  to get our paper that has lots of maths problem and then we had to get our pencil and.

 then we had to go on our mail and then we had to go on decimals and fractions and then we pressed on it and then i saw lots of maths problems and then we had to go from page to page and then we had  to  get our maths book and then we had to sit down on the table with our stuffs  and then we had to solve the problem  and then we had to  go from page to page and.

 then we had to finish what we got and then we had to put our maths book and our maths paper and our pencil away and then we had to put them in our locker  and then we had to push our chairs away and it was morning tea time  and i love doing maths because i love it very much and i really want to do it again one more time too.

Inquiry - Technological World Reflection

           Inquiry -Technological World Reflection 

Today We came to class and it was still open and then we had to put our bags in the the locker and then we had to get our netbook from from 10 and room 9 and then we had to  come down to the class and then we had to open up our netbook and.

 then we had to write about maths and writing and Inquiry and life education  and Astria game and then we picked maths to do and then we had to go on blogger and then we had to write about what we did in Maths This year and then we had to stop with our Maths and then we had to do the roll and then we had to talk about digital world and.

 then we had to get some answers from the people who put their hands up and after we finished putting our hands up we had to name what kind of technology world and then the Teacher had to tell us more about phones and computer and tvs way back in the past  and then we had to wait until we had to go on mail to do the work that The Teacher told us and.

 then we had to start our work off and then we had to write it  and then we had to go on our netbooks and we  to go on kami  and then we had to read the text and what does it says and then we have to write  on our title what is a designer and.

 then we had to write more facts about  Technological World facts and then we had to pack up and we were going to do it on Tuesday and that is why i like working on Technological World .

Thursday 22 November 2018

Astria Game

                            Astria Game 
WALT: we are learning to explain about the game

Today we had to get into our buddy's from yesterday on Wednesday and then we had to get the same netbook from yesterday too and then we had to   do our password and then we had to go on mail and then we had to check if the Teacher had shared us the link and then The Teacher told us to go on mail and then we had to get on the link and.

 then we had to wait for it to load and it was still loading and then we had to wait and then it came up and then we had to press the new game  and then we saw the background that had places with lots house and different kind of lads and science of lads too and i saw lots of questions and lots of them too and then i saw the lady she was standing next to the brain and then we had to move from left to right and then we had to move from left and to right and.

 then we had to solve the questions and then we had to save the world and then the ship was about too lift off and then  the whole country was safe at last and then  everyone  was cheering  and shouting for the super heros that saved the whole country from danger then the mission was complete at last   and i had to logo off the game or i could press and delete the tabs of the games and it was so fun that i was about to finish the game.

Thinking Bias Reflection

                          Thinking Bias reflection 
When we were sitting in the table we had to get the Room 9 to stand up and line up and walk to Room 9 and then we had to sit in a table with long high chairs that goes up and then we had to hand out the paper to each  table and then we had to solve out why is M&Ms is heahtly  for us and then we had to talk about it in our groups on the tables and.

 then  we had to talk one by one and then we said why is M&M full of sugar than peanuts and then we had to talk to the person on the table and then we had to look at the paper that the Teacher gave us and them we had to solve the problem about  why is M&M is super healthy for us and then we were like what and then we said why is it Healthy for us an everyone and then we had to talk about it in our tables and then The Teacher  came with papers for each tables too.

  and then we had to look at the next paper and then we had to think of something that comes in our minds and then we had to talk about it in our tables about why is M&Ms Healthy for us and then we had to answer it by thinking about what is  sugar and.

 then we    had to move to the next table if we do not got a paper on the desk and then we had to move to the next table and we had to look through the  words and the problem and see if we could solve it and after that the Teacher told us to go back to our tables and then she counted down from 3 2 1 and then we got back to our tables and the Teacher asked us why is M&Ms good for us and the timer was ringing and then we had to leave the papers where they are and.

 we had to walk back to Room 10 and it was so fun trying to think about why is M&Ms so healthy and good for us too.



                                                               bang  crash  tap what could i do?

                                   the Rain is splash in nearly like  massive heavy crash?

                                       suddenly the banging  storms started to drop?
                                       jump as we hear  it falls like a massive crash?

                                      bang clap tap i heard a massive bang?

                                     tap bang pop when it stopped it begin to dances 
                                            when it done it started to prague 

                but when it was done everyone started was excited  and i got an appetite from the rain.
Image result for a image of Hailstorms           




how to make a brownie what will you need is...
Step 1  1 cup of plain flour
step 2  1 tsp of baking powder

step 3  1/4  cup of cocoa teaspoon

step 4 tbsp coconut

step 5  wet ingredients

step 6 1/2 cup of brown sugar

step 7 125g butter C melted microwave

step 8 1 egg  and vanilla  essences

This is how to make A Brownie and we had to write the    ingredients in our blogger and then we had to look at the board and see if we can see if it is cooked or not and we had to take it out   and we have to take a photo and we had to share it to the person that has the phone and then we had to put cream or syrup on your Brownie  and then we have to get a foil and then we had to wrap our Brownie and we can eat it when we are on the bus and then we  had to  eat them all finsh and it was yum and deliciousT too.

Tuesday 20 November 2018


yesterday after morning tea we came up to the class and then we sat down on the other side of the room and then we had to stand up and we had to walk outside of the class and then we had to line up on the wall and then we had to wait until the teacher comes  up the stairs and then she said let's go and then she started to walk and then we all walked down the stairs and then we walked on the stairs too an after when we got down on the stairs then we had to open the doors and we had to walk outside and then we had to walk to the field and we saw the coaches and then we had to get into  girls and boys group and then we had to get one ball so each group can play in the team and  after that we had to split into our groups and then we had to move to another filed and then we had to play it by the rules and then two people have to be the out of the people who was going to say down set hit and then the person who is throw the ball from the field had to throw it to the person who is holding their  hands up and then the person holding the ball has to  catch the ball and they have to stand in the spot on where  they were and then they have to throw the ball to their group or team and they have to catch the ball and they have to run with it  and they have to pass it to someone else in their  team and then if the other team tag the other team they have to give the ball to the next team or group and after when you have to ball or you got the ball you have to run with it to tag the other side you have to tag it two times and then we heard the whistle so we had to  stop the  game and then we had to circle up and we had to say  great game and then we had to come together and then we had to run to the drinking tap and then we had to walk back to class and then we had morning tea time and that was  so fun playing   Kiwisport too.

Monday 19 November 2018

A letter to Santa

                  A letter to Santa 

On Friday we were doing  our work and then we The Teacher Told us to  stop what you're doing and she said go on drive and go to google drawing and she said we had to  write dear santa and then we have to write i have been working so hard this year with my reading and writing and maths and then she said we have to get something that is electrical and then we had to write how much things do we need and then we had to only write 5 or 6 things that we like  and then we had to write and then we had to  put your letter on the folder and  then she shared the folder to us and then we had to share the folder on your drive and some of the  people   did not shared their folder to the driver and then we had everyone to but their letter on the folder and if everyone would had send the letter on the drive they would had  not done it without getting in trouble and then after when we finish we had to close your netbooks and when it is christmas we are going to get your things from santa and we have to put your stuff on your classrooms too.

Athletics Day

                          ATHLETICS DAY 

  • WHEN was it on Friday the 16th of November. 
  • WHERE was it it was at TPS Field .
  • WHO   was there  their was lots of family and kids racing  on the field.
  • WHAT happened their kids had to wear their colours on their houses  they had to run too.
  • WHY did it Happen  because we had to run so we could cheer your houses on.
HOW did we do it  we just know it was Athletics day and we just got into doing your  chants and we got so good at it too.

On Friday the 16th of a November we had to wear  the colours of your houses and  we had  to go to your houses and get your faces painted and blow up balloons and we had to decorate   your hosue outside of the school and  then some of the people had to take to balloons and the stuff on to their own houses and after that we had to go to your classes and then your teacher had to take the roll and then we had to line up and then we had to go to your houses and stay their until we have to go outside of your houses and we had to sit on the dots and wait after that we had to stand up and walk on the bike track and we had to say your chant and we had to walk to your own  houses too.

after that we sat down and then we  had one by one class going up for the events like long jump and standing jumps and shot put and Discuss and we had to go clockWise  and then after when we finish the events we had to sit down on your houses and wait for the names of each houses to come up and run on the fields too and BENGHAZI WON THE RUN SO YAYYYYYYY BENGHAZI YAYYY

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Fireworks or guy fawkes

                              Fireworks or guy fawkes  
Image result for a image of fireworksON Monday  we went to warehouse with my whole family and when we got inside the warehouse we saw lots of people getting fireworks for their whole family and then we walked to the fireworks and then we saw different kind of box that we could pick and then we went and looked at the box that was sitting in the wood and then we saw the big boom box and we looked at the prices and i ask my   mum and dad if we could get the big boom box and  they both said yes  and we got the box and we went to pick up the money from the  bank and then we came with the money to get your  box of fireworks and then we took the box and we walked out of the  warehouse and we walked and walked to our car and then we had to put the box inside the back of the car and then we had to hope inside the car and then we had to drive our way back home and when we got home and we

were waiting for the sun to go down and then we keep waiting for the sun to go down  and then the sun came down and the moon came up with all of the stars and then we walked to our car and then we unlocked the car and then we took the big boom box out of the back seat and then we locked the car  and then we walked to our car parking spaces and then we had to get the rubbish bin and then we had to put the box on top of the bin and then we took the litter and then we opened up the box and then we took out the thing were you hold it and you have to burn it up and then it  will sparkle and then we had these  long stick and then we had to hold it and.

 then we got the litter and then we lit up the stick thing and then we ran with the sticky thing and then we played with it and then we hook it on the ground or grass and then we  had to blow out the stick or a candle and then it was gone and then we took the th candle and we throwed it in the bin and then we took another one and then we litter it up and then we put it on  the ground and then it started to blow and lots of colours came out of the  box and my friends came to watch the fireworks and then we had to finish all of it and then we felt very sleepy so we went  back inside and we sleepy peaceful.

Friday 9 November 2018

Manaiakalani film festival 2018

                                         Manaiakalani Film Festival 
WALT: we are learning to Reflection about the Film

fe fe haika si pe  and hello  welcome to my blogger i am Write about The Manaiakalani Film Festival and Today we were doing your maths and The Teacher called the names of the first group to go to the classrooms and pick their buddies  and we have to walk with your buddy to the bus and we have to find a seat to sit with your buddy and we have to check that all of the class and then we waited for the bus and the bus driver drove us to sylvia  park and we had to get out of the bus and wait for your buddy to come and stay with your older ones and then we have to get in line  and we saw different kind of school like  Pt England and Glen Taylor and panmure bridges and we saw lots of them and then we stopped at the sign and we had to wait for all of the cars to  go and it says green lights and then we have to   walk on the other side of the road and we have to walk and hold hands with your buddy  and when we are walking we saw lots of people walking around and we walked to the moving thing and then we waited and we walked and we keep walking until we got on the moive and then we went inside the moive it was black in the moive and then we had to find a seat to sit in and then i sat with my buddy and then we had to go to the bus and we headed back to school and then we had to  watch other schools video and we had fun too.

Technology World

Key Question : How have phones changed the way we live?

Phones: phones are a type of Technology that people use for many reasons phones are everywhere it doesn't matter how old you are to use to use your phone's  beauce. in the past.

when people are old people use old phones way way back in the past when we live  people use normal phones just in case for any reasons to like if your searching for something online then that.

means everyone knows phones that people use everywhere and when your going somewhere you just need to put your phone in your bag or pocket to make sure it is safe and it does not break into pieces of glass too or you might want to pay for it too.

Adding and Subtracting decimals

                       Adding and Subtracting Decimals 
 when it was maths we had to get your maths book a pencil and your netbook and we had to get your paper that has the decimals where lots of maths problem to solve and when i was about to answer the top question i was struggling with the colours of the questions and.

 then someone came and helped me with my maths because i was struggling to work so that person told me to do 6+8 = 14 and she said add the 4 tenths 7 tenths and it equal  11 and she said to me 6.4+8.9 15.    1 and that is how i got the answer and then i had to make another way of how to a different kind of way to make it happen so i did 6.9+8.7 And the and.

 the answer was 15 .   1 and that is how i got the answer from someone who was trying to help me with my maths and then i moved on to the next one was my hardest maths question ever was 12.6+3.7 and then i add 13 . and a 1 and the answer was 15.1 and i got the answer from the book because i know i have to start with the first number and.

 then i add the lower number too and then i got the answer because i was trying to solve it  so that's why i got the answer from the book.

Evidences Problem

                  Evidences Problem 
Today we were in class and then this woman's name was Ms Treena and she came to the class with her laptop and then she showed us the Evidences about big animals eating little insects and we have to discuss  on your table should we  agree or disagree with the statement and.

 some people said we should agree and some people said we should disagree with this statement  and Ms Treena shared us the  link and she told us more about Evidences and she told us about pests that eat insects and  more insects too and when we went on the site she walked to the screen and she showed us the site on how to agree and disagree and we had to write it down on blogger and then we  had 20 minutes  to   finish it  off and then after when the 20 minutes is finish we had to talk to the person on your table about how big animals eat little insects too and.

  then she  said how does animals eat little insects too and we all put your hands up and we had to answer them and she said nice work everyone and she smiled at us and then  we had to post  your work  on the blogger where everyone can see they work and then she told us  to keep the work on your blogger and she said finish it off and then we had a so much fun learning about Evidences Problem and i wish we would do it again beuasce we love doing it Image result for a kiwi

Thursday 8 November 2018

How to make Minces Pasta

                             How to make minces pasta 
Step 1 Boil the  pasta with 2 c of cold  water until its soft

step 2  Drain under cold water using colander

step 3 Fry The  Minces with Onions when it cooked add sauces

step 4 Combie with pasta sauces and top up with cheese

these are the steps on How to make Minces Pasta and this is a easy way to make Minces Pasta you can also make it a home too   to make minces pasta it is very easy to make you just follow the rules or steps to make Minces  pasta and you can ask your mum or dad  to make this at home too and to make Minces pasta you just Boil the pasta with 2 cup  of cold  water until its soft and Drain under cold water using colander and Fry the minces with onions when its cooked add sauces  Combie with pasta sauces and top jup with cheese it is easy as pie and it tasty too.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Fish pie

Step1 peel the potatoes and bake until cooked
Mash it up and lay it out into    the baking tin 
Mix tuna Fish with 1/2 can of mushroom cream and 1/ c of  mayo mix well top up on potatoes with cheese and bake   for ten minutes
and that is how you make Fish pie and this is very nices to make it and  it  taste very deiclours and we had to scoop the fish pie and we had to scoop it toyour plate and we had to eat it and it was yum and e had to get the foil and we had to put your fish pie and we have to wrap the fish pie and then we had fold your foil and then we had to clean your table an spray it and then we had to spray the table to make it clean and then we  had to wash the dishes and we have to dry it and put it away from now and then we have  to blogging about fish pie and we are going to take it back to school and it was very yum to make fish pie and i hope we make it again.