
Thursday 30 August 2018


On monday we came to class and we sat down on the coach and we had to split into groups and one group had to go to boxing and the other group had to stay and do writing with Miss Komor  and when the other group came from Boxing the other group had to go to Boxing in the hall and after when each group went to Boxing day in the hall each group had to come back to class and all of the groups have to   write something about what we did in Boxing day in the hall and we have to write in full sentences
and we have to make your writing catchy and  we  had to write in your own drive and we had to finish off your work that we did in Boxing in the hall and it was ready fun going to Boxing because you have to learn how to keep you safe  from any trouble and when someone is coming to you and giving you a hiding or trying to take you  away  you should run  or fight back to the person that  is trying to  grad you and trying to fight you and trying to throw you away or you should try to fight them back or kick them in the leg or run away from them  and if they are  running fast and they  catch  you you can just hide from that person and if that person is gone you should get up and run home or go to your  friends house and you should tell your friends or your family and  parents  and they would call the police and tell that their is a person that is trying to catch me when i was walking on the pathand the police would go on their police car and get that kidnaping that person and the police would take the prison and lock him their for grintied and that person would be free from that person that is trying to attack you from danger and when someone is trying to attack you you should fight them back or run away from them and call the police and they would come right away and take that person to prison and it very important that you take care of yourself and when your in trouble get help from someone and that's how you keep you safe from any trouble.

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